

Good morning!
This is Kurama Tengu. ( ̄▽ ̄)b

The seasoning of Kyoto dishes is with a light taste, it might not be reliable for people living in Kanto area.(^_^;)

I, Kurama Tengu is so poor that I have never had Kyoto dishes in Japanese restaurants even once a year, but I realize that the seasoning in Kyoto including home dishes is overall with a light taste. However, .it doesn’t mean that I am really satisfied with the light taste, and I sometimes seek the thick and deeply seasoned for example, the Ramen of Tenkaippin.

Speaking of dishes, for example, miso, there is a distinction when selling Kyoto-style miso and countryside miso. The countryside miso has brown color like the color of the ingredients, Kyoto-style miso is white miso and has a light color. As for pickles, Kyoto pickles are the lightly pickles.

Rural Miso and Kyoto-style Shiro Miso


The food products themselves arranged in supermarkets are already largely Kyoto-style seasoning, so I think I naturally get used to Kyoto style. And I also think always eating the light taste makes my tongue sensitive.

And although I disliked the white miso ozoni in New Year holidays in my childhood, I got to think it delicious enough to want to have white miso ozoni whenever the New Year holidays come after I became adult. (^_^)

Kyoto Style Zoni with White Miso Soup





京都三条会商店街北 薬膳&カフェ 雅(みやび) サイト制作・運営 一般社団法人シシン

