1. Padma, the Land of Ultimate Bliss on Earth – Peace of “Harmony” and “Symbiosis” through the Division of the Three Realms – Part I
Posted date:2022-03-10Author:じゅうべい(Jubei) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:A Pilgrimage to the Ultimate Paradise on Earth: A Symbiotic Society of Wisdom and Compassion
The first chapter: Symbiotic society of wisdom and compassion.
Symbiotic society of wisdom and compassion…
The connection is gentle, warm, and gradual, yet has an unwavering strength that can never be broken.
How many months have passed since then? I, Jokai Saikobo saw the world of the paradise Jodo that appeared on earth with my own eyes on that day. The Land of Ultimate Bliss, where numerous Buddhas and Bodhisattvas protect and share their teachings, and live together and support each other through wisdom and compassion. That land was called…
Padma, the land of paradise on earth.
What makes such a symbiotic society of wisdom and compassion possible is the spirit of the three separate paths.
It is the following three paths.
Two: the path of economy (the symbiotic economy of wisdom and compassion)
Three: the path of Buddhist Laws (sacred biography of the great Nyoraizo Jodo)
These three paths are just the most important paths to realize Buddhism’s “harmony” and “symbiotic” peace.
One: the path of politics (the symbiotic politics of wisdom and compassion)
Two: the path of the economy (the symbiotic economy of wisdom and compassion)
And the most important of the three paths is the path of the Buddha Dharma.
Continue to “the latter chapter: the path of Buddha Dharma-Sacred Biographies of the Great Nyoraizo Jodo.”

Hello everyone. I am Jubei, an earthling whose energy does not stop today. What I like is playing (manga, movies, music (J-Rock, etc.) and visiting cafes). Thank you for your understanding.