Posted date:2022-01-29Author:くらま天狗(Kurama Tengu) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Kyoto Dialect
When apologizing lightly to someone close to you, you say “kannin-na”. There are many cases where people say twice consecutively like “kannin kannin.” It’s the same meaning as “sorry, sorry.” It is a lighter way of apologize than I’m sorry.
I remember as a child it was difficult to understand the difference between “kannin” and “kanben”. “Kanben” is said when you want to get away from something unpleasant.
“Kanninna” is said when apologizing when you have caused pain to the other person.
“I’m sorry” also has a phrase peculiar to Kyoto people. Instead of “Sorry, but…” or “Sorry, but…” in standard Japanese, Kyoto people sometimes say “Gomen Yakedo…”.
“Gomen Yakedo” is a word of apologize with light meaning to people close to you.

くらま天狗(Kurama Tengu)
Born and raised in Kyoto.
I like B-class gourmet food, and my favorite is Tenkaippin Ramen. (^o^)
I am good at making homepages and many other things.