

How are you? This is the defeated solider. At the Inner Shrine of Motoise-sama in Fukuchiyama City, Tajikaranoo-sama is enshrined to the right of Amaterasu Omikami-sama, so that Amaterasu Omikami-sama can appear in this story. Well, let’s continue the story.

Next, Omoikane-sama ordered Tamano-oya-sama, the head of Tamatukuri of the Tamatukuri Department, to create an eight-foot-long slender ball, the 500 tu Misumaru no Tama.

Omoikane-sama ordered Toyotama-sama of the Tamatukuri Department to create a magatama.

Tamano-oya-sama created many eight-foot-long slender balls, and through a string, created the ball of Misumaru of five hundred tu eight-foot-long slender balls.

Omoikane-sama summoned Amenokoyane-sama and Futodama-sama, and asked them what to do after pulling out the shoulder bone of a large stag on the heavenly Kaguyama mountain, and roasting it on the cherry tree of the hahaka on the heavenly Kaguyama mountain, to see how the bone was roasted and to forecast.

Ishikoridome-sama made a “bellows” out of the deer skin and used it for divination by burning it. She also made a pike out of the gold from the heavenly gold mine.

This pike is enshrined at the Hinokuma Shrine in Wakayama, Kii.


Amenokoyane-sama and Futodama-sama dug up a well-grown makaki tree on Mount Kagu in heaven, root by root, and on the upper branches they hung the Masumaru balls, five hundred tu of eight-foot-long magatama made by Ishikoridome-sama, son of Amanonukado on the middle branches they hung the eight meter mirror made by Amanoakarutama, son of Izanagi, and on the lower branches they hung the white wagasa (white hanging) and blue wagasa (blue hanging) made of soft cotton and hemp cloth by Amanohiwashi, son of the reed abbot in the Land of Millet.

Yamatuchi-sama made eighty tamagushi (skewers) of five hundred makaki (sakaki), and Noduchi-sama made eighty tagagushi of nosuzu (tamagushi), and all of these items were offered to the gods, and all of eight million gods came and gathered there.

(To be continued.)

*I apologize for the inappropriate and creative creations that I have incorporated into my blog thus far. I will continue to make every effort to create blogs. Thank you in advance for your continued support!

Clip art of Goddess





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