Kyoto Charm Story – Our beloved Big Valley, Otani University
Posted date:2021-01-29Author:じゅうべい(Jubei) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Talk about Kyoto
Kyoto is packed with many charms as it is ancient city Kyoto. And there are many universities and also are famous for students’ city. I’d like to introduce today Otani University which is the mother university of me: ridiculous Rambo and called big valley university among those universities. (The word of big valley universities is the word I am using arbitrarily. Be caution as it is not commonly used.)
It is the main entrance of Otani University. The fence is in the way. Hey you!!
Otani University: it is the university which is former Higashi Honganji school dormitory that was created in Kyoto Higashi Rokujo in 1665 (5 Kanbun) Did you ask the most best attraction of big valley university, Otani University? If asked so, it is only that. It is while “establishing one’s beliefs” is the philosophy, and to keep walking toward the realization of it. The fundamental is Buddhism especially the teaching of Jodo Shinshu. “Aiming to develop people who can live in the society independently.” It is the best charm of Otani University. Although there are Bukkyo University and Ryukoku University as universities where we can learn Buddhism, Otani University isn’t defeated by them! Well, when you heard of Buddhism or Jodo Shinshu, you might say it is for the dead, the Buddha is a dead person. But you have a wrong opinion.
Buddhism is correctly the teaching of Buddha. Buddha means the person who has awaken. The person who has awaken the state of comfort freed from the suffering of this world: that is Shaka. Buddhism is the teaching that the Buddha explains. Buddha have been teaching the ways to get the state of comfort freed from the suffering to all people not being satisfied with the comfort of his own. Although it has transformed its form in the long history it is introduced from India to China, the Korean Peninsula, and Japan and has formed the soil of Japanese culture.
And in Kamakura era (1192-1333) there was a person called Shinran (lived between 1173 to 1262) among the Buddhist monks who were active in the 1200s. Buddhist sect opened by this person is called Jodo Shinshu and have been transmitted up to now. One great teacher was telling that Jodo Shinshu means “the true teaching of Jodo”. It is the big valley university: Otani University, that aim for the establishment of one’s beliefs based on Jodo Shinshu and Buddhism.
Of course, there are many other charms of Otani University. For example, the premises of Otani University is small. However, it makes students feel the proximity between each other conversely. And because it being small, we can easily move to other places. It is very kind school composition for students with disability too.
Please go through the gate of Otani University if you want to think about what is yourself and what means to live.
I ensure that you would find something…
I learned a lot of things in this university. Although it is a little exaggerated, I learned the way of life that leads me much better life of me.
Because I could ask to my heart’s content and think about what I am.
Therefore, I’d like to always say that Otani University is the best university. I want to exclaim with loud voice.
Yes, the anthem of the heart wants to scream. Ah ~~~ Ah.

Hello everyone. I am Jubei, an earthling whose energy does not stop today. What I like is playing (manga, movies, music (J-Rock, etc.) and visiting cafes). Thank you for your understanding.