3rd movement: Light of Blue Wind – Part 1
Posted date:2023-11-27Author:じゅうべい(Jubei) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:The Sacred Biography of Heian Buddhism: Amitabha Sage (Hijiri) Kuya, ed.
The first chapter: Beyond distinctions above and below any hierarchy
“Then, Shonin, you say, Amitabha Buddha is here now too?”
“Yes, whenever and wherever. By chanting Nembutu, Amitabha Buddha will appear in front of me.”
“Namu Amida Butu, Amida Butu. Namu Amida Butu, Amida Butu.”
In the capital city where blue sky covers the sky and blue wind blows, Kuya Shonin, dressed in deerskin robe, speaks with people today as well. In the midst of the bustle of the city, he is sitting there with a straw mat put under, a broken tray for beggars in front of him, calmly begging for food and sharing the teachings of the Nembutu together with the people.
“Hey, where is it?”
“Now and here.”
“What the hell, I can’t see it.”
“Amitabha Buddha has no form, Shibaki.”
Then, Kuya Shonin took a piece of branch that had fallen there, wrote the character for “sky” on the ground, and surrounded it with a circle.
“Amitabha Buddha is showing us the teaching of emptiness.”
“Yes, emptiness.”
Kuya Shonin pointed to the character for “emptiness” with a branch.
“The teaching of emptiness, to say it in a word, it is the teaching that everything existing in this world is made up of a great variety of relationships, and that there is no fixed entity in the first place. Amitabha Budda always show us the teaching.”
“So, even now and this time, Amitabha Buddha exists without having its form and fixed entity.”
“But Shonin.”
The person called “Shibaki” threw a question to Shonin-sama on end.
“What does the teachings of the “emptiness” have to do with our lives?”
“Well, for example.”
Then, the Shonin-sama used a branch piece to write “Higashi ichi” vertically to the left of the character for “emptiness”, and enclosed it in a square.
Everything that exists in this world originally has no fixed entity and it does not exist. This East Market is also…”
Then he refers to the character for “East Market” in the branch.
“Originally, it never existed here.”
Shonin-sama continues the story.
“Then why is the Market established here? It is undeniably due to all of us here.”
“Thanks to us?”
The seller of goods gives comfort to the buyer, and the buyer of goods gives comfort to the seller.
“The East Market now transcends all hierarchical distinctions and is made up thanks to activities of a great diverse of people.”
“To be continued to the latter part”

Hello everyone. I am Jubei, an earthling whose energy does not stop today. What I like is playing (manga, movies, music (J-Rock, etc.) and visiting cafes). Thank you for your understanding.