



Heian Shrine Photo

Heian Shrine was built to aim for revival of Kyoto that showed decline by the Meiji Restoration in the 28th year of the Meiji ear and the year of Heiankyo 1100. Heian Shrine is the shrine that was restored actual greater palace at the time of the relocation of Heian kyo on a scale of 5/8 and it is said that the greater palace of Heiankyo actually existed in current Sembon Marutamachi.

Well, it is about the benefit of Heian Shrine, and it is known for the god of marriage as a number of couples were tied here when Shinto shrine marriage was popular at Heian Shrine after war.

Also, visiting five Kyoto Shrines is popular at Heian Shrine. It is said that people who visit five shrines below can double the benefits of good luck, warding off evil, thriving business, marriage, and attainment of one’s academic achievement.

Well, the five shrines are…
Kyoto is said the place suitable for four gods that is suitable for existence of “four gods” as a geological feature on Feng Shui.

Illustration of Four Divine Beasts

The five shrines below are targeted for visiting five shrines as the shrines that are on the land of the four gods.

 1. The Northern Genbu “Kamigamo Shrine”.
Kamigamo Shrine
 2. East blue dragon “Yasaka Shrine”.
Yasaka Shrine
 3. White tiger in the west “Matsuo Taisha Shrine”.
Matsuo Taisha Shrine
 4. Southern Suzaku “Jonangu”.
Jonangu Shrine
 5. The shrine that protects the center “Heian Shrine”.
Heian Shrine

The main benefits of Heian Shrine.

  • Marriage
  • Good luck
  • Warding off evil
  • Thriving business
  • Attainment of one’s academic achievement

Heian Shrine







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