How to Thread Shoe Laces
Posted date:2019-03-30Author:短靴を履いた猫(A Cat in Short Shoes) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Shoemaker's room
Hello everyone, this is a cat wearing short shoes.
The story this time is also about shoes. As for shoes there are several shapes and ways to enter foot into shoes such as high laced shoes, fastener type shoes, slip-on shoes, but this time I’d like to talk about “how to thread the shoelaces.”
When written separated one by one, the information might be confusing… smile, so I’ll write in bullet points for now.
- Single・・・Many formal shoes are this type and it is the way to thread in formal settings.
- Parallel・・・This is also the formal way to thread, but it is active in dressy settings.
- Underlap・・・This is the way to thread often seen in sneakers, but of course it is also compatible with casual leather shoes. There is characteristics of being good tightness and holding the feet tightly.
- Overlap・・・It might be the way to thread the shoelaces for Japanese because we can easily take off and put on, although it also has a disadvantage it is easy to loosen a little.
Even though it is a standard one, there might be few people who know how to thread like this unexpectedly. There sometimes are cases that this way to thread the shoelaces is made by default in men’s shoe departments. The reference diagram is for sneakers, and it is said to be suited for formal settings because the shoelaces that comes in the front are horizontal lines.
This is also standard formal shoes, but it is a little confusing by the time we remember how to do? The shoelaces that come in the front are horizontal lines for this type of shoes too, it is for formal settings. Also, it has merit that we can broaden the foot slot at once by holding the feather of the shoes.
※Referred from Legal Corporation
This is the way to thread the shoelaces often seen in casual leather shoes, boots and sneakers. We thread the shoelaces from below against the holes. This way, the shoelaces aren’t horizontal lines and its shape of laces is the crossed ones. When the shoelaces are crossed by one sight, the shoes are under lap one or overlap one. I think there are few cases that it is pointed too much strictly in Japanese business world as Japan doesn’t have footgear culture, but there are some cases where the crossed shoelaces (under lap and overlap) are a little unsuitable in business scenes. (Although it is case by case.)
It is the way to thread the shoelaces from above against holes in contrast to underlap. It is hard to distinguish the overlap from underlap by one sight, but it is also distinguishable by seeing whether the crossed shoelaces are heading above or heading under. (It might be difficult to communicate by nuance though.)
Well, I talked about “how to thread the shoelaces and the kinds of it” this time roughly.
Thank you all for reading to the last regardless of knowing it or not.( ´∀`)

短靴を履いた猫(A Cat in Short Shoes)
30-something male with ulcerative colitis and bipolar disorder type II.
I used to work as a medical worker until I became disabled.
Currently, I am in charge of designing, writing articles, updating information websites, etc. at a Type A continuous employment support center.
I love cafes and leather shoes.