A Place of Rest – Strong Ties –
Posted date:2021-05-17Author:じゅうべい(Jubei) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:The idiot Rambo's lyric corner
The place welcomes me as usual. The warm place is certainly here now that heals my tired-up mind and body. Various people live now holding fatigue, pain and sorrow in themselves. They are engraving this time now. In the middle of such an era, they desperately keep one’s feet and stand up even if they are about to collapse or fall off. They have something that they can’t give up. Therefore, they stand up many times. And they share each other their hardship, pain and sorrow in this place and step out to the next day.
Oh, I think so, the life is full of hardship.
Oh, but let’s be proud, changing every now into power.
This place of relief will never disappear. The light never disappears and keep its last light lit and keep healing people’s hearts. And that night, I also enlisted myself in this “place of relief” and chatted with my friends comfortably. I can’t say ridiculous things as might be expected today. But it’s OK even if there is sometime such a time. Because it is hard to survive now, hey.
The person, Nobiyo tells us sitting in a chair and playing guitar in his one hand at the temporary stage in “the place of relief” today too. He sings hopes with everyone along with the music today too. It wraps the despair and lights the fire of hope in people’s hearts and lead people to the next day that has not seen yet.
BGM Final fantasy 6-children in the streetcorner. /SFC
The place of relief (the name of original song FFVI “the children in the streetcorner”
composer: Nobuo Uematsu)
Although it’s a play but written earnestly by Ridiculous Rambo.
One: Let’s take a rest here sometime, if you never stop running you would be tired up before realizing it and you wouldn’t be able to move. The warmth is here that you have been forgetting. There is a place to stay where smiles brim over and we can talk each other. It cannot help that we get hurt. But let’s start walking again by holding hopes. The warmth is here that you have been forgetting. There is a place where smiles brim over and we can talk each other. Let’s go back home because there is someone who are waiting for you. The place is there where your hearts are healed. There is no worry, let’s take a rest here, come on. |
Two It washes out sorrow, pain, hardships. Smiles brim over when the light is on and you get relief. The warmth is here that you have been forgetting. The place to stay is here where your hearts are healed and lights are lit. Let’s take a rest here if you got hurt and got tired. This warm place that dissolves freezing your hearts. Let’s start to walk from here to the new next day. Let’s survive the time of hardship and sorrow. Your own road that lasts forever. As I always look after you here. I always wait for you in this warm place. |
Someone said so in the past.
“Even if the light is seen from the very long distance now it is worthwhile believing it” so I start to walk from here again. In order to catch the certain now following that.
Please welcome me warmly when I get tired, the place of relief “Wind & Calm”.

Hello everyone. I am Jubei, an earthling whose energy does not stop today. What I like is playing (manga, movies, music (J-Rock, etc.) and visiting cafes). Thank you for your understanding.