



These days, Corona is not so much a topic of conversation, and tourists from Japan and other countries are flocking to Kyoto in droves. Because of this situation, I have been thinking about this quite a bit lately.

I guess I should at least be able to use English for directions.

Men who think

Very occasionally, I am asked for directions by people from other countries. In such cases, it is not impossible to communicate with gestures and one-word English, but I thought it would be better to communicate properly. It would be easier for foreigners to understand.

Also, there was such an event one time.
It is on a certain subway train.
The foreigner: “Can you speak English?”
I: “A little.”
The foreigner: “Why are there so many people here today?” (Meaning overheard in English).
I: “Oh”. (I know why, but I don’t know what to say about it in English.)
The foreigner: Ha, ha, ha. (I was laughed, lol.)

I then managed to communicate with him using my smartphone, but it was still a bit embarrassing. Even though I said can speak, but in reality, I couldn’t… Hey, (but I know what the foreigner said about the question.)

In preparation for such cases, I have often wondered recently it would be better to be able to speak simple English enough to give foreigners direction.



Even if I check and remember how to speak, I may remember at that time, but after a few days I will forget. So, after all, it is useless. Oh, how sad it is.

Well, I can’t help it, since I hardly use English in my daily life.

Men who think and make excuses

In the end, I regained my spirit. In Japan, Japanese is the language we take for granted in our daily lives, but English is not, some people never have a chance to use it at all. (←Sorry, it’s me.) It cannot be helped.

However, even if one has a point, such a line is nothing more than an excuse for learning English. So I have thought it would be better to be able to speak English at least for directions recently.

Let’s do my best. Let’s learn to speak at least simple English.
And I won’t forget it again.







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