Yasaka Shrine’s deities Part 2
Posted date:2022-12-29Author:落ち武者(Surviving Soldier) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Talk about Kyoto , Kyoto tourist spot , Shinto Stories
How are you? This is Defeated Warrior. Well, let’s talk about the subsequence.
After completing misogi (purification ceremony), Izanagi, who had purified himself of the impurities of Hades and given birth to the gods, said to Amaterasu Omikami, Tukuyomi, and Susanoo.
Izanagi-sama told Amaterasy Omikami to govern Takamagahara, which is the heaven world, Tukuyomi, to govern the night world to illuminate the dark night, and Susanoo to govern the large sea world including living world.
Susanno was inpatient that Amaterasu Omikami governs the heaven world and he governs the large sea including living world.
Susanoo-sama did not control the sea, but continued to mourn and cry, and even when he had a beard up to his chest, he continued to cry, and as it was, the trees on the mountain withered and the water of the river dried up.
Unable to bear the sight, his father Izanagi said to Susanoo, “What are you crying for, when you do not even govern the seas?”
Susanno said, “I am grieving for my mother who is in the Land of Katasune (Hades).”
Izanagi-sama was furious that Susanoo had no intention of ruling over the sea, and disowned him, saying, “If you have no intention of ruling over the sea, then get out of here and secluded himself into Taga Taisha Shrine in Omi.
Susanoo was disowned and decided to go to the land of Katasune in search of his mother, but first he went to Takamagahara, where Amaterasu Omikami was there, to greet his sister.
To be continued.

落ち武者(Surviving Soldier)
Nice to meet you, my name is Surviving Soldier. My star sign is Cancer and my blood type is O. My hobbies are visiting shrines and reading books. I have a loud voice, which is easy to understand at best, but at worst, I am noisy, so I would like to be careful. I am looking forward to working with you.