

This time, I would like to introduce you a standing drinking establishment, “Shomin” which is located in front of Hankyu Omiya Station. Actually, I knew this shop for the first time after I started working here. It seems to be a highly famous shop, and there are always crowd there. The food log rating is also quite high at 3.68.

To be honest, I am the side of sitting and drinking especially after work, this shop is very close to my company, so I just can’t help but drop in there when I feel like grabbing a drink and going home.
It is because the shop is “an interesting and delicious shop” whose prices are very cheap.

So, I couldn’t resist stopping by again.

December certain day, third visit.
Here is what I ordered this time.
Plum wine with soda 250 yen
Potato salad 100 yen
Salmon sashimi 250 yen
Fried wiener 150 yen

The dishes I ordered this time

As expected, stable and low price.
The total cost is 750 yen.
This would be a great way to grab a drink and go home. Isn’t it a dream come true to be able to eat so many different kinds of food for the same price as a bowl of ramen. That’s what I’m talking about.


This was the first time I ordered sashimi, and the quality was better than the price.
Other food items on the menu are less than 300 yen, and all of them are very cost-effective. The drinks, which are also of great interest, are also price-destroying: 250 yen for medium-sized draft beer, 200 yen for shochu, and 200 yen to 400 yen for sake. Don’t worry, they are not cheap, low-density drinks.

Drink Menu

This is going to catch on. That’s my honest impression.
The clientele is probably 80% old men in their 50s to 70s, with a few women and young people here and there.
It is not a very stylish or beautiful shop, but if you are okay with this kind of shop, why not give it a try?

A full house in the restaurant

In-store menu taken from the back

By the way, even if it looks full from the outside and it is extremely difficult to enter, please be brave and pry open the door to the unknown. And ask the waiter with a calm demeanor, “I’m alone, is there a seat open?”.

Then, surprisingly, the back of the room may be empty.
I recommend it!

The “Shomin” storefront





京都三条会商店街北 薬膳&カフェ 雅(みやび) サイト制作・運営 一般社団法人シシン

