



I think this year is coming to the end.
How do you everyone spend these days?

I, Kurama Tengu is pleased that new members took over “Kyoto people’s blog” that I was about to stop writing and they write articles.

When I looked back on this year, the most thing I remember is the expansion of infection with new coronavirus. I, also experienced working from home in April and members are still working from home.
The number of people who infected with new coronavirus exceeded 100 a day even in Kyoto prefecture, and I am worried that I also wouldn’t able to escape from it finally. I was worried of my mother who is old and obese and have diabetes in my family…

In terms of the work, our company’s Google adsense site was affected a lot due to the influence of the coronavirus. I thought it was impossible for us to fend oneself by providing Google adsense finally and even though I searched for other source of revenue but in vain. I think it was a good studying experience by some means.

However, the Go to Travel campaign began later this year and Google adsense regained its momemtum at one time, and I could feel that not prospering up to now was not because out site itself was over but because its popularity was falling temporarily due to the influence of new coronavirus and thought that it was alright if we continue this site (production of information site for the handicapped people) next year and beyond.


We are operating the Web site as the work in the employment support office for handicapped people, so we are sook to provide some monetizable works anyway. In the meaning for providing opportunities for employment, the works we provide for our users must be led to profits.

I think that the positive aspect for such means is that the knowhow was cultivated that as for the kind of works we provide users, we should provide such kinds of works for users with such handicaps and also should provide users with other kinds of handicaps of different kinds of works. It is absolutely good that there are a lot of options for works we provide for users.


It is an exaggeration if we say that we change the future of our society, I think it is good for us to be able to provide information through the Internet for example, the help for the disabled people in the country be able to enjoy their outings within their poor income (let’s go using disability certificate) and the help for them to increase their income even if it is a little (employment support information for disabled people) and we all of our members are making efforts every day.

Please watch with warm eyes as we endeavor to help handicapped people remove their various troubles they encounter in the society as much as we can through the development of information site.

Then, everyone, have a nice year end!

Have a good New Year







京都三条会商店街北 薬膳&カフェ 雅(みやび) サイト制作・運営 一般社団法人シシン

