



Well, hello everyone, this is “a cat wearing short shoes”.

Well, it is sudden, though, but have you heard the word “tangutu, tanka”?
Except for shoes lovers, such naming is not used often, “tangutu” means literally “the short shoes which means the shoes whose top line is below the ankles”.

The word “shoes” in English is generally translated to “Kutu” in Japanese but strictly speaking, shoes mean “tangutu”.

Black leather shoes

Well, the shoes called boots … yes it is, it is called “chouka, nagagutu”.
Especially due to its length of height, the shoes that are called “hanchouka” is so-called boots I probably think everyone imagines. It has just the length between the ankles and middle of the knees. There is not a rule which defines the length of height strictly, according to its application, its approximate length is determined.

Black boots

This is the expression, names mainly as “leather shoes” so if they are sneakers, we call the shoes that cover the ankles “High-cut” and as leather shoes, there also an expression of “Chaka shoes”.

Brown leather shoes

I mainly told about the naming based on the length of height of the shoes this time, the world of shoes is deep.
Because Japan has barefoot culture, many people prioritize “whether it is easy to take off and put on”, “foot comfort”, softness, when you delve into it, you also would be enthralled in the charms of shoes, for example, the foreign culture, why this shape of shoes were come to the ground… Please get fascinated to them. I ask you ( ´∀`)smile.

This is because “ the wonderful shoes take you to a wonderful place.”

Well, see you next article.
Thanks for browsing.







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