Self-introduction “Cat in Short Shoes”
Posted date:2019-01-26Author:短靴を履いた猫(A Cat in Short Shoes) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Nice to meet you! Hello, good evening!
I’m a man whose handle name is “a cat wearing short shoes”. (Short shoes=Tangutu)
I was a health care worker in the past, and also have worked in the industry which is so-called craftsman.
I have a hybrid way of life as an interested party of designated intractable disease named inflammatory bowel disease and mental illness. I would like to write articles along with my feeling that “Can I help various people by using the experiences I gained while facing intractable diseases and hindrances”.
While currently doing Web-related work at A type office I am transmitting various information of the welfare system.
My hobbies are making things, touring cafés and so on. They are too many to introduce at once. Smile.
I would like to introduce them while writing articles from now on!
Please, be welcome me! (´∀`*)ノシ

短靴を履いた猫(A Cat in Short Shoes)
30-something male with ulcerative colitis and bipolar disorder type II.
I used to work as a medical worker until I became disabled.
Currently, I am in charge of designing, writing articles, updating information websites, etc. at a Type A continuous employment support center.
I love cafes and leather shoes.