Autumn leaves at Nanzenji Temple
Posted date:2018-11-26Author:くらま天狗(Kurama Tengu) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Kyoto tourist spot
The second place for the photos of autumn leaves this year, I went to Nanzenji this time.
Although I have been to Nanzenji once long time ago and I have posted the photos then of around ten, I have been thinking that taking photos again as the number is not enough. This is why I decided to revisit the place.
The state of the Nanzenji approach
It took ten minutes or so walk from Kyoto Municipal Subway Kikiage Station. I arrived the the Nanzenji approach. Although it was a weekday, it was quite crowded because it was the season for autumn leaves. I realized there were many Chinese tourists as I heard Chinese spoken very often surrounding me.
Since I checked up about the essential autumn leaves on home page of MK taxi beforehand and went there it was no doubt there were autumn leaves in time. They were colored beautifully!
The state of Nanzenji Sanmon
Forwarding a while entering the precincts, you can see the gate stance called Sanmon. As you can see in the picture, you can climb upstairs of the Sanmon if you pay money for that. (I didn’t climb.)
I went to the back while I was taking photos of autumn leaves pasha pasha. However, when taking photos themed temples and shrines like this site the main focus is buildings themselves to the last, so I consciously take photos of buildings decorated with autumn leaves.
Nanzenji Suirokaku
When I went to the back further, I could see red brick aqueduct on my right hand. (I heard that it was called Nanzenji Suirokaku.) I certainly remember that it was built in Meiji era, its photo looks so-so good. Because there are many crowd taking commemorative shots, I couldn’t take pictures without people, though…
People viewing Hojo Garden
I headed to Hojo Garden following that. Nanzenji is famous for this Zen garden. There also are people standing in the aisle in front of the garden. I took a rest here for a while. I felt my heart washed. There were several gardens big or small except Zen garden here, so I watched them carefully and went home. Nanzenji was the place worthwhile for looking at.
I passed incline on my way back to home, too, and I found woman wearing kimono taking a commemorative shots on the track. Although I would like to ask the woman to be taken, I, Kurama Tengu had such courage to do so. 😀
Click here for a collection of photos of Nanzenji Temple. →

くらま天狗(Kurama Tengu)
Born and raised in Kyoto.
I like B-class gourmet food, and my favorite is Tenkaippin Ramen. (^o^)
I am good at making homepages and many other things.