Chapter 1: The Forgiven One – Part 2
Posted date:2024-01-25Author:じゅうべい(Jubei) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:The Sacred Biography of Heian Buddhism: Amitabha Sage (Hijiri) Kuya, ed.
The latter part: There must be a way for forgiveness.
“Everything starts from there. From your being aware of your own sins and being repent. From that, the heart to seek a good road and it lights the roads to tomorrow.”
Kuya-sama told me so slowly, gently, yet with strong words.
“Tatumi, you have always been alone until now. You have taken on everything alone and has tried to solve everything. But now, the situation is different. Now, we are near you. Thank to that, you can redo your life. You can relive your life. You can reborn.”
“If you have committed sins, to compensate them, you have only to accumulate good doings more than them. Throw everything and live for others. For others who are suffering now, you should do what you can do on your own. In earnest, with heart.”
“What I can do.”
“Yes, Tatumi. “You are having pains, sorrows and aware of your evil from your heart. There must be something what only such you can do.”
The light of eyes of Kuya-sama at the moment had never-unwavering will.
“But how? I, I only know to deprive something.”
“You know only to deprive? So it’s just you should know how. How to save someone, and how to protect someone.”
Kuya-sama gripped me stiffly by both shoulders and looked straight into my eyes.
“The meaning and value of your life will always be open to you. There must be the way for forgiveness if you continue to lead good road earnestly.”
So, let’s walk together. Whatever comes, we are with you.
I’ll never abandon you.
Until you can see the light, I’ll always be with you.
Maybe it was then that I started to change a little bit. Now I together with Kuya-sama, Oyu, Ren and Kuya-sama’s good friend Rensei, have begun to do what I can for the poor and the sick in the Western Koro-kan. Hoping that one day I will be forgiven. Hoping that one day I will be saved. Step by step, we are slowly starting to move forward.
“The first movement, complete”

Hello everyone. I am Jubei, an earthling whose energy does not stop today. What I like is playing (manga, movies, music (J-Rock, etc.) and visiting cafes). Thank you for your understanding.