Image of each university in Kyoto – 4 –
Posted date:2019-03-16Author:くらま天狗(Kurama Tengu) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Talk about Kyoto
Good morning!
This is Kurama Tengu. ( ̄▽ ̄)b
I’ll write this article with dogmatism and prejudice based on the image I had against each university during my school days. (Following the third article) It may be different from the current state. (If there are any problem, please give us your comment or contact us through the inquiry form.)
Kyoto City University of Arts
- The university where people who are good at studying and painting go to there.
- It has the impression whose students are strange.
- It is among the top elites in the Web design industry.
- There seem to be many people from other prefectures although it is Kyoto City University.
- They seem to move to Suujin, but the friction with neighboring residents is the cause of worry.
Kyoto University of the Arts
- There were two female students of this university at the same workplace of my part-time job, but they had brown hair and were chara.
- My friend is the graduate of Kyoto University of the Arts and he was something-something living together with the girl of the same university who was living alone.
Kyoto Seika University
- It was the female university. I heard it has become to accept male students recently and now the ratio between male and female is about one by one.
- There were several male students from Kyoto Seika University in the workplace of my part-time job before, but to be honest they were chara. Male students commonly had their hairs brown.
- There is a department for Web design. There were many graduates from Kyoto Seika University in the production company I was working for before. (In some way it is a school clique)
- There are female students with lower deviation value from local areas in part of the university.
Kyoto Women’s University
- It has the image of lady university with high deviation value.
- I wonder they keep company with Kyoto University students.
~Following the fifth article~
※I felt it a little rough, but I wrote down my honest impression Kurama Tengu has against each university. It is not my imagination nor fiction as I an writing this article based on the impression I had when actually contacting the students at each place.

くらま天狗(Kurama Tengu)
Born and raised in Kyoto.
I like B-class gourmet food, and my favorite is Tenkaippin Ramen. (^o^)
I am good at making homepages and many other things.