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List of Fall leaves spots in Kyoto

Remains of Shoren-in gate

Remains of Shoren-in gate


Shoren-in Monzeki is a temple of the Tendai sect located in Awataguchi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto. Along with Kajii (Sanzenin) and Myohoin, Shoren-in is one of the three monzeki temples of the Tendai sect (Tendai Sanmonzeki).

Awata Shrine

Awata Shrine


Awata Shrine is located in Awataguchi Kaji-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City. The 11 gods are Susanoo-no-mikoto, Ohanamuchi-no-mikoto, and others.

Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine

Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine


Ishimizu Hachimangu (Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine) is a shrine in Yawata City, Kyoto Prefecture, formerly known as Otokoyama Hachimangu Shrine. It is one of the 22 shrines (Kamishichi-sha) and, together with Ise Jingu Shrine, is one of the two main shrines (sobyo).

Kajuji Temple

Kajuji Temple


Kashuji Temple is the head temple of the Yamashina school of Shingon Buddhism, located in Kanshuji, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto. It is said to have been built in the 3rd year of Shoutai (900) on the site of the residence of Miyaji Iyamasu, the ruler of Uji County.

Rokuoin Temple

Rokuoin Temple


Rokuoin is a separate temple of the Rinzai sect located in Sagakitaboricho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. The mountain number is Mount Kakuo. The main statue is Buddha Buddha. Its history begins in 1380 at the opening of Hodoji Temple, which was founded by Ashikaga Yoshimitsu with Shunokumyoha as the opening of the mountain.

Kurumazaki Shrine

Kurumazaki Shrine


Kurumazaki Shrine is located in Saga, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto City. There is also a performing arts shrine on the grounds, which attracts a very large number of young worshippers.

Shokoku-ji Temple

Shokoku-ji Temple


Shokokuji Temple is the head temple of the Shokokuji School of Rinzai Zen Buddhism, located in Shokokuji Monzen-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City. The temple name is Mannenzan. The main deity is Shakanyorai Buddha.

Koetsuji Temple

Koetsuji Temple


Koetsuji Temple is a Nichiren Shu temple located in Takagamine Koetsu-cho, Kita-ku, Kyoto. It is located in a scenic spot overlooking the three mountains of Takagamine (Takagamine, Washigamine, and Tengamine) in the north of Kyoto. There are a number of elegant teahouses in the garden.

Genkoan Temple

Genkoan Temple


Genkoan is a Soto Zen temple located in Takagamine, Kita-ku, Kyoto. It was founded more than 670 years ago in 1346 by Tetsuo Kokushi, the second head priest of Daitokuji Temple, the head temple of the Rinzai sect.

Rengeji Temple

Rengeji Temple


Rengeji Temple is a Tendai sect temple with the name Kimyozan. During the Kanbun period (1661-1673), Shigenao Imaeda, a vassal of the Kaga Maeda family, was ordained and lived in a house here. It is also one of the best places for viewing the autumn leaves in the northern part of Kyoto.

Kenninji Temple

Kenninji Temple


Kenninji Temple is the head temple of the Kenninji School of Rinzai Zen Buddhism. The temple was founded by Zenji Eisai. The founder is Minamoto no Yoriie. The temple was founded in 1202 during the Kamakura period (1185-1333) and was named after the year of that time. The temple is famous for its screens depicting the Wind and Thunder Gods.

Shisendo Jozanji temple

Shisendo Jozanji temple


Shisendo which is located in Kyoto City Sakyo district Ichijoji is a ruin of a mountain cottage where Jozan Ishikawa who was the cultural person in Edo era spent his last days.

Enkoji Temple

Enkoji Temple


Enkoji temple is a temple of Rinzai sect Nanzenji school. Its mountain title is Zuigan-mountain. Its principal image is Senju Kannon.

Sagimori Shrine

Sagimori Shrine


Sagimori Shrine is a shrine located in Kyoto city Sakyo district Shugakuin Miyanowaki-cho. Its God is Suda Emperor.

Shingu Shrine (Matsugasaki)

Shingu Shrine (Matsugasaki)


Shingu Shrine is a small shrine located at the end of the old Matsukazaki Highway. There is a small Noh stage in the precincts of the shrine. It is also located on a small hill, offering a panoramic view of the city from Kitayama.

Myokenji Temple

Myokenji Temple


Located in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto City, Myokenji Temple, also known as Gusoku-zan Myokenji Temple, was founded in the late Kamakura period (1185-1333) and was the first Nichiren-shu temple in Kyoto.

Matsuno-taisha Shrine

Matsuno-taisha Shrine


Matsuno-Taisha is the oldest shrine in Kyoto, and it is said that the inhabitants who lived in this region of the ancient times were enshrined in the Holy Spirit of the Mt.Matsuo and made it the guardian deity of their life.

Nanzenji Temple

Nanzenji Temple


Nanzen Temple is the head temple of the Rinzai Nanzen sect. In 1291, Kameyamahouou founded Nanzen temple greeted Mukanfumonzenshi (Daimyokokushi).

Manshuin Monzeki

Manshuin Monzeki


Manshuin Monzeki is a temple in Ichijoji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. The autumnal leaves and Kirishima azaleas are famous.




Kenrokuen is a vast Japanese garden with a migratory style called one of the three Japanese garden in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture.

Daigoji Temple

Daigoji Temple


Daigoji is a temple of the Shingon Daigo head in Daigo, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City. The principal of the temple is the Yakushi Buddha, and the founder is Rigentaishi Shobo. It is registered as a cultural property of the old Town Kyoto as a World heritage site.

Jonangu Shrine

Jonangu Shrine


Jonangu Shrine is a shrine located in Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, and it was built hoping for the protection of the country's peaceful and the capital when the capital moved to Heian-Kyo which was made a land of four gods. The Sinen in this shrine is famous for its weeping plums and camellia.




Zuishinin is known as a temple related to Onono Komachi, and there is a stone monument of Onono Komachi in the grounds, and there is a plum garden called Ono Plum Garden in the precinct.




Umemiyataisha is a shrine in Umezu, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. It is a shrine known as Tachibana's tutelary deity.

Konkaikomyo-ji Temple

Konkaikomyo-ji Temple


Konkaikomyo-ji Temple is a temple of the Jodo in Kurodani-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. The principal Buddha is Amida. The common name is called Kurodani-san. It is one of seven Daihonzan of Jodo who boasts the formality which is lined with Chionin.

Byodoin Hoo-do

Byodoin Hoo-do


Byodo-in is a deeply related temple with Mr. Fujiwara in Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture. Since the 17th century, sects combined as Tendai Buddhism and Jodo sect, and now they do not belong to a specific denomination.

Uji Shrine

Uji Shrine


Uji Shrine is a shrine located in Ujiyamada, Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture. It is paired with the adjacent Ujigami Shrine. Deity of the Uji Shrine is Ujinowakiiratsukonomikoto.

Ujigami Shrine

Ujigami Shrine


Ujigami Shrine is a shrine in Ujiyamada, Uji City, Kyoto Prefecture, and it is paired with the Uji shrine in the vicinity.

Komyo-ji Temple

Komyo-ji Temple


Komyoji is a temple located in Nagaokakyo city, Kyoto Prefecture, and it is the Head temple of Nishiyama Jodo sect. This temple is the place of the Rikkyo Kaishu where Enkotaishi Honen the sect founder firstly spoke of Nembutsu in Japan.

Otokuni Temple

Otokuni Temple


Otokuni Temple is a temple of Shingon-shu Buzan-ha located in Nagaokakyo city, Kyoto Prefecture, famous as peony temple. Although the foundation is not certain, it is presumed that it was founded before the Nagaoka-kyo construction, the Nara period.

Kiyomizu-dera Temple

Kiyomizu-dera Temple


Kiyomizu-dera Temple is a temple with an old history from the time when the capital moved to Heian Kyo, just like Koryu temple and Kurama temple, Kyoto is also a famous tourist destination, alongside the temple of Kinkakuji and Arashiyama.




Shinsenen is a temple of Toji Shingon in Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto. It is located on the south side of Nijo Street from Nijo Castle. The original was a garden for the emperor who was built adjacent to Heian-Kyo Daidairi.

Koryu-ji Temple

Koryu-ji Temple


Koryu Temple is a Shingon sect temple located in Uzumasa, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto-city. There are aliases such as Hachioka Temple, Hatanokimi Temple, Uzumasa Temple, etc., and also called Uzumasakoryu Temple.

Oharano Shrine

Oharano Shrine


Oharano Shrine is a shrine in Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto City, and is called "Kyoto Kasuga" too. Oharano Shrine has been collecting faith as the Guardian God of the woman who has been giving the so as the god of Politics, Katayoke, and wisdom for a long while.

Shojiji temple

Shojiji temple


Shojiji Temple is a temple of Tendai in Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto, honorific mountain name prefixed to a temple's name is Oshio mountain. The principal image is Bhaisajyaguru. It is said that Saigyo, a singing monk, became a priest in this temple, and because there is a double cherry blossom "Saigyo Sakura" which is said that the Saigyo monk planted himself, it came to be familiar as "Temple of the Flower".

Seiryoji Temple

Seiryoji Temple


Seiryo temple is a Jodo temple in Saga, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto. It is a 15-minute walk north of the Arashiyama Railway Arashiyama station. Seiryo temple is called Mt.Godai as honorific mountain name prefixed to a temple's name. It is also known by the name of Sagashakado, it is also known as the "Yuzu Nenbutsu Dojo".

Arashiyama park

Arashiyama park


From my house, I took the Kyoto municipal subway to Uzumasa Tenjingawa station, then I changed trains to Arashiyama railroad(common name:Randen) and arrived at Arashiyama station. It took long time. Arashiyama is very famous among foreigner tourist, and many of them are European people and Chinese people.

Old Mitsui family Shimogamo villa

Old Mitsui family Shimogamo villa


This is Old Mitsui family Shimogamo villa that has begun to be opened to the public from October 2016. It is located at south of Shimogamo-shrine, and a bit north of Demachi-yanagi.

Bishamon-do Temple

Bishamon-do Temple


The Bishamon temple in Yamashina ward, Kyoto City is a temple of Tendai sect. Bishamondo is one of Tendai sect Kyoto five gate traces and is also called Bishamondomonzeki. The Izumo Temple of Bishamondo's predecessor is said that Gyoki founded in 703.

Daitokuji Temple Kotoin

Daitokuji Temple Kotoin


The Daitokuji Temple in Murasakino, Kita-ku, Kyoto, is a temple that has many temples standing on its premises.(sub-temple) Kotoin is one of them, and only four of Daitokuji's sub-temple are open to the public on a regular basis.

Jissoin Temple

Jissoin Temple


Jissoin is a Buddhist temple in Iwakura, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, the founder is Joki, and the principal image is Acala. Jissoin is a small temple, but there are two Japanese-style gardens in the precincts.

Tofuku-ji Temple

Tofuku-ji Temple


Tofukuji is a temple of the Rinzai Tofukuji sect. The beginning of the history of Tofukuji is that the Kujoumichiie, who was regent at the time in 1236, took single character from the name of Todaiji and Kofukuji in Nara and erected the temple under the name Tofukuji.

Kinkaku-ji Temple

Kinkaku-ji Temple


Kinkakuji is a temple of the Rinzai Shokoku Temple sect which says the official name is Rokuon temple. As its name, it is a very beautiful and famous temple that covers the exterior walls of the building with real gold leaf.

Kyoto Botanical Garden

Kyoto Botanical Garden


The Kyoto Botanical Garden opened in 1924 as the first public botanical garden in Japan. It is located along the Kamo River in Shimogamo, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.

Kifune Shrine

Kifune Shrine


Kifune shrine is a shrine that has been praying for the god of rain for a long while, and is gathering faith from people in the business of dealing with cooking and water all over the country as God of water.

Eikando Temple

Eikando Temple


If you want to see the autumnal leaves in Kyoto, the Eikando is famous for the autumnal leaves as it is said that Eikando is recommended. Of course the best time to see here will be in late autumn when leaves color from mid November to late November.

Sanzenin Temple

Sanzenin Temple


Sanzenin is a temple of Tendai in Ohara, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. The origin of Sanzenin is that Saicho opened one temple to Hieizanhigashido from 782 to 806.

Kuramadera Temple

Kuramadera Temple


It is this big Kurama tengu to greet us when getting off the Eiden Kurama station. Niomon that is the entrance of Kurama Temple exist in the place that climbing a little from here on road, from there it become a course of a little mountain climbing and hiking.

Shinnyodo Temple

Shinnyodo Temple


The official name of Shinnyodo is Shinshogokurakuji, and it is a temple of Tendai in Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City. It is the begining that the monks of Mt.Hiei in 984 enshrined the Buddha Amitabha in the Imperial villa.

Heian Shrine

Heian Shrine


Heian Shrine is located in Okazaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. It was planned as part of the Greater Palace restoration project at Heian Capital at the National Industrial Exposition held in Kyoto commemorating 1100 years after the capital moved to Heian-Kyo on April 1 in 1895, it was erected in the land of Okazaki, Sakyo-ku.

Tenryuji Temple

Tenryuji Temple


The entrance of the Tenryu Temple of the Rinzai Tenryu Temple sect Daihonzan is located near Arashiyama Railway Arashiyama station. The founding is said to have been conducted by Takauji Ashikaga in 1339, and it is said that the purpose was to memorialize Godaigo Emperor's spirit.
