Izumo Grand Shrine (power spot of green and water)
Posted date:2023-10-26Author:アップビート(Upbeat) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Kyoto tourist spot , Kyoto Benefits , Shinto Stories
There is a rather famous local power spot and famous water shrine in Kameoka City (Chitose town). There are other shrines besides Izumo Grand Shrine, but I feel that there is a blessing here.
Manai Water
The spring water that comes out of deity body mountain. Numerous people visit the area for drinking water in coffee shops and at home.
Difference from Izumo Grand Shrine and Izumo Taisha
According to Wikipedia, “Izumo Grand Shrine” has “Izumo” in its name, but it is a separate corporate shrine from Izumo Taisha in Shimane Prefecture and Izumo Taisha Kyoto Branch (Shimoyada town, Kameoka City), also in Kameoka City.
Iwakura God
Finally, the rock deity called “Power Spot” is located directly behind the main shrine building and has been there since before the shrine building was constructed and ropes are stretched around it. Normally, visitors can only view the shrine from the surrounding area, but only during the Enmusubi Festival are they allowed to enter.

Nice to meet you all, my name is "Upbeat".
I live near the ruins of Kameyama Castle, the residence of Mitsuhide Akechi.
My hobby is music, and I listen to Western pop, rock, and jazz music. I look forward to visiting live music clubs, museums, shrines and temples about once a year.