



How are you everyone? Susanoo-sama has been enshrined in Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto and also enshrined in Izumo Taisha as Kamurotake Hayasusa no Ono Mikoto, and the Shinto priest says Kamurotakehayasusano-ono-mikoto in the congratulatory speech. Well, let’s continue the story.

Then, Susanoo-sama was driven out of Takamagahara and led Itakeru no Kami, the son of Susanoo-sama, down to the Land of Silla (present-day Korea) to reside in Sotomori (Silla). He said that we should raise our flag immediately.


He said, “I do not think I can stay in this land (Silla) for long. Finally, he used hani clay to build a ship, crossed to the east, and descended to a mountain peak called Torigami, located on the river of the Higo River in the Land of Izumo. He is also said to have descended on the E River in the Land of Aki.

(I believe there is a legend that the deity enshrined at Mt. Gozu is Kamuro Takehaya Susanoo-no-mikoto, based on the legends from when he was in Silla.)

Chopsticks were washed down from the river at the time of this descent. (*It is said that in the olden days, people used to make and use chopsticks and other things, and then throw them into the river. Then, Susanoo-sama must have thought that there was a village upstream where people were living.)

(*Another theory for the chopsticks flowing down is that the Yamata-no-orochi were so frightened that they somehow sent the chopsticks down to inform Susanoo-sama.)

Here, having seen the chopsticks, Susanoo-sama thought a person might be living upstream of Torigami (or Kaai), so he went up to inquire about the popularity of the place.

At that time, Susanoo-sama heard sobbing and weeping on the river. Therefore, Susanoo-sama went in search of the voice, he found an old man and an old woman, with a young maiden between them, seated, stroking and crying.

(To be continued)

Japanese mythological figure wielding a sword







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