Yasaka Shrine’s deities Part 19
Posted date:2023-10-05Author:落ち武者(Surviving Soldier) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Talk about Kyoto , Shinto Stories
How are you everyone? Susanoo-sama has been enshrined in Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto and also enshrined in Izumo Taisha as Kamurotake Hayasusa no Ono Mikoto, and the Shinto priest says Kamurotakehayasusano-ono-mikoto in the congratulatory speech. Well, let’s continue the story.
Then, Susanoo-sama was driven out of Takamagahara and led Itakeru no Kami, the son of Susanoo-sama, down to the Land of Silla (present-day Korea) to reside in Sotomori (Silla). He said that we should raise our flag immediately.
He said, “I do not think I can stay in this land (Silla) for long. Finally, he used hani clay to build a ship, crossed to the east, and descended to a mountain peak called Torigami, located on the river of the Higo River in the Land of Izumo. He is also said to have descended on the E River in the Land of Aki.
(I believe there is a legend that the deity enshrined at Mt. Gozu is Kamuro Takehaya Susanoo-no-mikoto, based on the legends from when he was in Silla.)
Chopsticks were washed down from the river at the time of this descent. (*It is said that in the olden days, people used to make and use chopsticks and other things, and then throw them into the river. Then, Susanoo-sama must have thought that there was a village upstream where people were living.)
(*Another theory for the chopsticks flowing down is that the Yamata-no-orochi were so frightened that they somehow sent the chopsticks down to inform Susanoo-sama.)
Here, having seen the chopsticks, Susanoo-sama thought a person might be living upstream of Torigami (or Kaai), so he went up to inquire about the popularity of the place.
At that time, Susanoo-sama heard sobbing and weeping on the river. Therefore, Susanoo-sama went in search of the voice, he found an old man and an old woman, with a young maiden between them, seated, stroking and crying.
(To be continued)

落ち武者(Surviving Soldier)
Nice to meet you, my name is Surviving Soldier. My star sign is Cancer and my blood type is O. My hobbies are visiting shrines and reading books. I have a loud voice, which is easy to understand at best, but at worst, I am noisy, so I would like to be careful. I am looking forward to working with you.