Yasaka Shrine’s deities Part 1
Posted date:2022-12-26Author:落ち武者(Surviving Soldier) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Talk about Kyoto , Kyoto tourist spot , Shinto Stories
How are you? This is Defeated Warrior.
As you all know, the deities of Yasaka Shrine are Susanoo, and Kushi-inada-hime who married him. The deity is said to be Susanoo-no-Mikoto, and the princess is said to be Kushi-inada-hime-no-Mikoto.
Susanoo is said to have been born in Hyuga, Tsukushi, by Izanagi, who was the first god to be perfected as a human being seven generations after Amenominakanushi, Takamimusubinokami, and Kammimusubi, the three gods of creation, whose generations are called seven deity eras.
Izanagi, the first male deity to assume human form, and Izanami, the first female deity to assume human form, gave birth to the islands of Japan and many gods. Izanami died after being burned to death by Kagutuchi, the fire goddess who was born at the end of her life.
Izanagi was so sorrowful that he descended to the Land of Hades in search of the deceased Izanami.
Izanagi reencountered with Izanami in the Land of Hades. When Izanagi was pleased, Izanami told him not to look at me until I told him and he shut himself away in a back room. Losing patience, Izanagi looked into the room. He found Izanami lying on her side, her body a wreck, surrounded by maggots and swarming with ten kinds of demonic thunder gods.
When Izanagi-sama saw Izanami’s figure, he ran away at once. Izanami chased after her beloved Izanagi with demons. Izanagi-sama broke combs and other objects and used them as food, and threw them at ogres and peaches at ogres, and escaped for his life from the Land of Hades. How sad it is for Izanagi-sama to think of Izanami-sama.
When Izanagi-sama returned from Hades, he performed misogi (purification of the skin) in the river at the small gate of Tachibana in Tukushi’s Himuka region, to purify himself from the filth of Hades.
When Izanagi, the deity of the famous Sumiyoshi Taisha shrine in Osaka, purified his body in the river, Sokotutunoo was born from the bottom of the river, Nakatutunoo from the middle depth of the river, and Uwatutunoo from the surface of the river.
Finally, when the left eye was washed, Amaterasu Omikami was born, and when the right eye was washed, Tukuyomi was born. And the nose was washed, Susanoo-sama was born.
In this way, Susanoo, the deity of Yasaka Shrine was born.

落ち武者(Surviving Soldier)
Nice to meet you, my name is Surviving Soldier. My star sign is Cancer and my blood type is O. My hobbies are visiting shrines and reading books. I have a loud voice, which is easy to understand at best, but at worst, I am noisy, so I would like to be careful. I am looking forward to working with you.