3. lotus storehouse world padma – part 1
Posted date:2022-10-13Author:じゅうべい(Jubei) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:1. The way of Buddha - Paradise of Compassion, the Great Nyoraiyura Pure Land , A Pilgrimage to the Ultimate Paradise on Earth: A Symbiotic Society of Wisdom and Compassion
Part 1: A world of co-existence and co-prosperity where we support and make the most of each other.
Padma, the land of earthly paradise far outside of this world that I, Saikobo Jokai, once visited. The Buddha’s Earth, which is the foundation for all of the “Great Nyorai Zo Sacred Biographies” shared there.
What this Buddha built on this earth is the paradise Jodo of Kegon which connects every being and aims for co-existence and co-prosperity.
The world that connects every being and aims for co-existence and co-prosperity. It is the lotus storehouse world. It was the Buddha, the Great Compassionate Buddha, who created this world. This Buddha, who once called himself Karuna, encountered Vairocana Buddha, who taught the Hua Yan teachings, and taking refuge in his teachings, he took the name of Mahavairocana Bodhisattva.
Various Buddhas and Bodhisattvas appeared on the earth cultivated by the Buddha.
One of them was Vairocana Buddha, who taught the people the Hua Yan teachings.
Among those who heard the teaching was a king of a certain country named Karuna.
He was greatly impressed by the teaching and took refuge in Vairocana Buddha with hesitation. He vowed in his heart to live as “bodhisattva”, a person who lives with and supports all things, and the took the name “Mahavairocana Bodhisattva”.
And Mahavairocana Bodhisattva tried to unite his country with the Hua Yan teaching.
The teachings of Kegon sect are the teachings that connect all things in this world and aim for co-existence and co-prosperity with the teaching that “every thing is supporting each other and making use of each other and creating one peaceful world together” the support.
Come to think of it, at the inn for travelers called “My House of Rest” in Padma, which this I, Saikobo Jokai, once visited, there was a world truly bound together by the teachings of Kegon.
Let’s say the person who ran the inn, Mr. Kou.
The fellows who work in the inn, the people who deliver items to the inn, and a lot of customers who come to the inn and so on. Only when such people are present can the inn, as an inn, be able to host life for the first time.
The traveler’s inn run by Mr. Kou is one big world of connections, established on the basis of a variety of relationships of mutual support and mutual utilization. And the one big world of connections, the inn called “My House of Rest” created by a lot of relationships is helping many people who support Kou’s inn evenly at the same time.
In this way, Kou’s inn, “My House of Rest”, has long been a popular place for people to stay.
People live in such a way that they give each other the power to live and support each other without being aware of it. We are connected to each other with the teachings of Kegon as our rope.
The peaceful paradise world where everything connects each other, making use of each other thus creating co-existence and co-prosperity. In Kegon sect, they call and respect such a world as the lotus storehouse Jodo.
Continue to the latter part: “Padma, the lotus storehouse world”.

Hello everyone. I am Jubei, an earthling whose energy does not stop today. What I like is playing (manga, movies, music (J-Rock, etc.) and visiting cafes). Thank you for your understanding.