To Rokkakudo after a long time
Posted date:2020-11-17Author:みやび(Miyabi) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Kyoto tourist spot
This is Miyabi.
On November 3, I went to Rokkakudo before work after six years. It was for the first time since I entered and worship there when I went there as fieldwork called walking the land related to Shinran while I was a college student of department of Buddhist Studies. On my way to Rokkakudo from Shijo Karasma and Karasuma Street and near Rokkakudo, I was deeply moved thinking that Shinran and people related to Rokkakudo were walking where I was.
Since I was alone this time, although there was step toward inside, I went from the back and could get over it and enter.
Although I thought that there were fewer people there as it was 8:50, there were many visitors and residents in the precinct.
Rokkakudo was built in 587 by Prince Shotoku. The title of Rokkakudo is Chohoji. It seems to be called Rokkakudo in general as its main hall is plane hexagon. And Rokkakudo was the place where Shinran who climbed down Mt. Hiei in 1201 sought true Buddhism in his age of 29, stayed in Rokkakudo for 100 days and at the dawn of the 95 day the dream announcement of a dream was announced by Prince Shotoku and decided to open Jodo Shinshu. In other words, it was the valuable place where Shinran was realized the next road of him.
When I enter inside the building, I was surprised at woods and gravel roads and so on spreading in the spacious garden. The introduction of “hesoishi” was written in the thing looked like a sliver square board in the middle. The green leaves and brown trees extended from the trees around was impressive. And thinking that Shinran walked this gravel roads, too, I thought again it is a special land.
What we can see in the back is “Honzon Nyoirin Kanzeon Bosatsu”. I thought it was very respectable statue and the golds around it attracted my eyes. There were many worshipers and I also joined hands and gave a bow against Honzon Nyoirin Kanzeon Bosatsu.
I saw candles in the transparent case in the left side. I wondered to think that these have been continued to be lighted since that time from Shinran’s 100-day stay.
Although it was a short time this time, it was wonderful to visit Rokkakudo where Shinran at his age of 29, spend there for 100 days and the dream announcement of a dream was announced to him by Prince Shotoku, know the state of the stays at that time, walk the land where Prince Shotoku built this building, and meditate and think many things.
Although I couldn’t introduce all of Rokkakudo, but there is also the place where we can enjoy Ikebana called “Iemoto Dojo” in the precinct. For those who want to see the land Shinran stayed and who want to worship Honzon Nyoirin Kanzeon Bosatsu and who want to taste Rokkakudo in person, please visit this place.
Rokkakudo Official Site →
Rokkakudo Feature Page →

Hello. My name is Miyabi.
I was born in Kyoto and still live in Kyoto.
I have been coming to this office since May 2020, and I am working in the internet division, doing data entry and SNS publicity.
My hobbies include listening to music, going out, and going out to eat.
Recently, I like to listen to old songs.