Passing in front of Shinshu Honbyo
Posted date:2020-11-09Author:みやび(Miyabi) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Kyoto tourist spot
Good morning!(^^)!
This is Miyabi.
On Saturday, on my way to next destination in outing in the morning, I got off the bus at Karasuma Rokujo and went through in front of Higashi Honganji after a long time. This is also the place I was impressed many things whenever I went through there as I went through there on my way to Jodo Shinshu university and for two years I learned about Buddhism, Shinran, Higashi Honganji and so on. That day I didn’t enter Higashi Honganji but there were many tourists and visitors.
From here I bowed once against Mikagedo and Amidado inside and chanted “Namu Amida Butsu”.
There were two entrances and I was thought that it was a large building whatever angle I saw from.
“Let’s go to ask for the meaning of people and your birth” on the above seems to be the theme of celebration memorial service for 850 years after the birth of Shinran saint and 800 years after Rikkyo Kaishu. On the background of this, the meanings are included that it does have relation between Shinran climbed down the Mt. Hiei and his encountering with Honen, the continuance of sorrow and agony itself doesn’t determine your life, giving your life begins first after encountering Buddha’s application and arousing in the meaning for your birth, and you should think the meaning of each person from the birth of Shinran.
Every sign had words that sounded in my heart, and I learned messages and sympathies relevant to each person’s way of life and all of their lives.
The word written on the black sign on the left is the word that varies monthly and is excerpted from “educational credential” that Shinran wrote. Educational credential is Opus Majus on the life of Shinran, and fundamental scripture of Jodo Shinshu, and is the book that many contents and annotations regarding what is Jodo and so on are written in it.
Because I cared about what was written today and took a commemorative picture.
I don’t know for what criteria the posting is decided every time, I think it is surely the important points and the word that asks us.
This time after a long time, I could return to my initial mind and think about the value of daily life. As we can worship or receive Buddhist memorial service, I recommend to those who are interested go to there.

Hello. My name is Miyabi.
I was born in Kyoto and still live in Kyoto.
I have been coming to this office since May 2020, and I am working in the internet division, doing data entry and SNS publicity.
My hobbies include listening to music, going out, and going out to eat.
Recently, I like to listen to old songs.