



How are you, all? It is said that Susanoo-sama, who has been enshrined at Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto since ancient times, made a stopover in Silla (today’s Korea) when he descended from Takamagahara, and that the sacred body enshrined at Mount Ushira is the reason why it is said to be an incarnation of Susanoo.

Susanoo-sama is enshrined at Kumano-taisha Shrine in Shimane Prefecture and at the Shrine of the Goose at Izumo-taisha Shrine, among others, and has left behind numerous legends. Well, let me continue my story.

Then Susanoo-sama begged Ogetuhime for food. So, Ohogetuhime-sama took various delicious foods from her nose, mouth, and hips, and prepared them in various ways and presented them to Susanoo-sama.

(The goddess Ohogetuhime-sama is also said to be the goddess of Shikoku’s millet island, and I believe she is represented in Japanese mythology as a person who can harvest a variety of grains and vegetables from the land and fish from the sea that borders the island. I believe that Susanoo-sama, like Kaguchi-sama, is represented in Japanese mythology as a burning flame.)


Susanoo-sama, who was standing watching Ohogetuhime’s deeds, mistakenly thought that she was intentionally defiling the food to make it appear unclean, so he immediately killed her on the spot and finished her off.

Then, one after another, from the body of the slain Ohogetuhime-sama, silkworms, the source of clothing, were born from her head, rice seeds, the source of the rice we eat, were born from her two eyes, and millet was born from her two ears.

And azuki beans were born in the nose of the deceased Ohogetuhime, barley in her hips, and soybeans from her hips.

Seeing this, Kammimusubino no Mikoto appeared and picked up these items and gave them to Susanoo-sama and name them as seeds for the five grains.

(Kamumimusubi-sama is also said to be the mother goddess, and I believe that she was greatly grieved by the death of Ohogetuhime-sama. It is said that Kamumimusubi-sama gave the seeds born from Ohogetuhime-sama’s corpse to Susanoo-sama and Susanoo-sama repented it and went to great pains to make the seeds grow into the five grains that we eat today, that the earth would produce ears of rice and other crops.)

(That is why it is said that our hard work of growing rice making things never ceases, and we can truly understand the feelings of Susanoo-sama, who took pains to bring the harvest to fruition, and touch God’s heart and become an old man.)

“To be continued.”

This is how the earth bears the five grains.







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