



How are you, everyone? This is the defeated soldier. You may know that the Yasaka Shrine, famous for the Gion Festival, is dedicated to the famous god Susanoo and his consort Kushi-inadahime. Well, let’s continue the story of Susanoo-sama.

After these events, Susanoo-sama said. Various gods have driven me away. I shall now truly leave Takamagahara forever. However, how could I leave Takamagahara without seeing my sister Amaterasu once more, as I desire?

Immediately after saying so, he led the way to ascend again to the heavenly Takamagahara, and ascended to the heavenly Takamagahara and made a pilgrimage there.

At that time, Ame-no-Uzume-sama saw Susanoo-sama ascending to Takamagahara, told Amaterasu Omikami, the God of the Sun, about it.

(Susanoo-sama is said to have ascended to Takamagahara to meet Amaterasu Omikami once more after being chased from Takamagahara.)

Amaterasu Omikami, the God of the Sun, spoke:

“The reason for my brother to come up to see me will also not be good hearted,” she said. “It will surely be an attempt to take my country away from me. How can I avoid it, even though I am a maiden?”

Amaterasu Omikami-sama said this, and immediately made a valiant preparation for her body.

Then, Susanoo-sama made a vow (ukehi) to Amaterasu Omikami-sama.

If I come to visit you again, thinking of something bad, the child that I give birth by biting a ball now will surely be a woman. If so, let a man rule the kingdom of heaven. And the child born at my sister’s bidding will be the same as this oath” he said.

(To be continued.)








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