



I went to Rairai-tei in Ichijo-ji on April 9.
It is long-time-no-see Ramen for me as the corona pandemic has become settled down.

Rairaitei Ichijoji Store

As I disliked to wait in line, I went there around one o’clock that day.
As I was alone, I could enter immediately.

As the kottori ramen that I had last time was impressive, I ordered the one this time too.
In addition, it is a big-size ramen without getting down. (sweat)

Rairai-tei Menu

With the recent rush to raise prices, Rairai-tei had also increased its prices.
A large bowl of kottori ramen costs 1,010yen. When I deduct the PayPay cash back, it’s just about 1,000 yen. It’s gotten to the point where a large bowl of ramen now costs 1,000 yen (cries).

Now that I’ve settled down and looked at the menu, the ramen-ordinary (770 yen) plus 250 yen set dumpling set meal seems like a good deal.


Large ramen noodles (kottori ramen) at Rairai-tei

It was brought out rather quickly.
Kottori Ramen Large, it’s huge!

This time, the ramen was tasty with the chashu pork being also well-packed.
Thin, straight noodles in a thick, fatty soup.
Like Hakata ramen, but thicker.
It’s a supreme moment. I cannot stop ramen-doraku.

Surprisingly, there seems to be no garlic in this ramen.
Neither on the table.

Tenkaippin’s ramen large is said to be 1.5 balls of noodles, while Rarai-tei’s ramen large seems to be 2 balls of noodles. There are so much (laughs). I started to get sick of eating along the way.

There is no place to park bikes and bicycles along the Ichijoji Ramen Kaido, so I appreciate the presence of ramen shops with parking lots and bicycle parking, such as Rairai-tei here.

Tenka Ippin is unique and of course delicious, but I think that Rairai-tei is also a very good ramen shop in a very good category. I’ll come again. (Good)







京都三条会商店街北 薬膳&カフェ 雅(みやび) サイト制作・運営 一般社団法人シシン

