Kyoto people often eat sake lees soup
Posted date:2022-02-05Author:くらま天狗(Kurama Tengu) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Talk about Kyoto
Do you like Sake Lee Soup?
Kurama Tengu likes Kasu-jiru (sake lees soup) and often eats it in winter.
There is a little sake left in the sake lees, which makes me warm and it is delicious.
Well, however, I disliked it a bit when I was a child.
By the way, sake lees soup is often served at the dinner table in Kyoto households.
Why is that?
Kyoto is a city whose water is delicious.
There are many liquor makers who produce sake in Fushimi.
When making sake a lot, sake lees are produced a lot naturally.
Therefore, many supermarkets sell delicious sake lees.
So for Kyoto people, sake lees soup is soul food.
I think many people eat it often.

くらま天狗(Kurama Tengu)
Born and raised in Kyoto.
I like B-class gourmet food, and my favorite is Tenkaippin Ramen. (^o^)
I am good at making homepages and many other things.