

Hello, everyone. How are you doing when it is becoming hotter. Today, while I was walking (the walking of the middle-aged man) on Horikawa Imadegawa Street absent-minded, I reached out to Shiramine Shrine.

I have prayed wholeheartedly in this opportunity.

Exterior view of Shiramine Shrine

Well, let’s go!

Entrance gate of Shiramine Shrine

“Hey, Uncle, what happened?”

Gohonden (front view)

What kind of God is enshrined here?

Here, you see, the divine spirits of Emperors Sutoku and Junnin are enshrined.
Emperor Sutoku was exiled to Sanuki Province (Kagawa Prefecture) during the Hogen Rebellion (broke out in 1156), while Emperor Junnin was deposed and exiled to Awaji in the Nara period due to a dispute between a priest named Dokyo and Emi Oshikatu.
And at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate, the 121st Emperor Komei decided to enshrine the spirit of Emperor Sutoku in Kyoto from from the Shiramine Mausoleum in Sakaide, Shikoku, in order to comfort him and pray for his blessing in the face of an unprecedented national crisis, which was the origin of this shrine. But Emperor Komei died without being able to do so, and his legacy was passed on to Emperor Meiji.

Gohonden (oblique view)

Built in 1868 (the first year of Meiji) as a memorial to Emperor Sutoku.
The shrine was enshrined with the divine spirit of Emperor Junnin in 1873 (the 6th year of Meiji).

Heh~. What are the benefits of this shrine?

Shiramine Shrine has various precinct shrines, where various beneficial deities are enshrined.


God of sport improvement.

Shrine on the premises: Jishu Shrine

Jishusha ‘Sei Daimyojin’, God of kickball.

Right Gozen: Hiiragi Daimyojin (protection from bad luck and prolongation of life) and Itomoto Daimyojin (prosperity of the textile industry)
Naka-gozen: Sei Daimyojin (improvement in sport competitions and in technical and performing skills)
Left Gozen: Shiramine Tenjin (academic achievement) and Imamiya Tenjin (safety at home, no illnesses, no disasters)

(Kemari means not dropping the ball and not falling off, so the god of study, Shiramine Tenjin-sama, is considered auspicious for not dropping your academic abilities and not failing exams.)

The Tomonoosha (Shrine of the God of Martial Art) is dedicated to the God of Martial Art.

Shrine on the premises: “Tomono-osha”

The shrine enshrines Minamoto no Tameyoshi (the leader of the Minamoto clan) and the father and son of Minamoto no Tametomo, renowned for their archery.

The Senryusha is dedicated to the great god of Senryu.

Shrine on the premises: “Senryusha”

This deity is revered as a god of longevity, good fortune and longevity, who is able to wash away all the ills of the family line and bring about a good marriage, heal illnesses and prosper in business.

Thus, the Shiramine Shrine has a variety of shrines within its grounds, which are still revered by many people.

“Heh, I see. Shrines are fascinating places. Thank you for your valuable story, Uncle.”
“You’re welcome, Friend of Child Side.”

The end.

Shiramine Shrine

  • 〒602-0054
    Kyoto City Kamigyo Ward Imadegawa Street Horikawa Higashi Hairu Asukai town 261
  • TEL: 075-441-3810
  • FAX: 075-441-3820
  • Viewing hours: 8:00 – 17:00
  • Awarding office opening hours: 8:00 – 16:30
  • URL:
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  • Transportation access:
    [For car users]
    Westward at the intersection of Horikawa Imadegawa
    In the case of parking lots for No.1, go to the premises passing through Torii.
    In the case of parking lots for No.2, Turn left (northbound) at the first traffic light and enter “the school trip taxi parking lots entrance)
    If you are coming in a large bus, please inform us in advance (at 075-441-3810). They will guide you.
    [By city bus]
    Get off at Horikawa-Imadegawa.
    No.9 and 12: 1-minute walk east from Horikawa Imadegawa intersection.
    No. 51, 59, 201, 203: Right in front of the bus stop.
    [By underground]
    Get off at Imadegawa Station on the Karasuma Line.
    (1) Exit from Exit No.4 and turn right (south) to the Karasuma Imadegawa intersection.
    (2) Turn right (west) at the Karasuma-Imadegawa intersection and proceed to Horikawa-Imadegawa, and walk 8 minutes.
    (3) Proceed in front of 7-Eleven Kyoto Karasuma Imadegawa shop.
    (4) Proceed in front of Kyoto Kamigyo Ward Office.
    (5) You will see it on the right-hand side, just before the Horikawa-Imadegawa intersection.





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