



How is everyone doing in the continuing hot summer? In addition to the summer heat, summer colds and coronas are likely to be darker than you can see today. Hot and viral, a true summer groggy. Since I am in such a mood, I feel like talking about Buddhism today, which seems to be somewhat friendly to the common cold.

That is the story of Kuya Shonin and the Imperial Dress Tea (Oubukucha).

Kuya Shonin, a monk active in the mid-Heian period, is known as the person who spread the Amida Nembutu to the people of Heian-kyo, and he once risked his life to help people suffering from plague throughout Kyoto.

Kuya's image

That was about 1000 years ago, in the 5th year of the Tenryaku era (951). The Keiki region was once plagued by an epidemic, and both the Kamo no Kawara and Miyako Oji Road were inundated with the corpses of the dead. Seeing this misery, Kuya Shonin built a golden statue of Kannon, the Goddess of Mercy, one meter tall (3.03m), and carried it on his car to travel around the center of Kyoto and the surrounding area.


In addition, he added the tea made by breaking green bamboo into eight-leaf flakes with pickled plums and myoga, and served it to the emperor and other people who were suffering from the plague.

Obuku tea

This was the beginning of the so-called “oubukucha” tea given to visitors to Rokuharamituji Temple on the third day of the New Year, which is said to have brought an end to the epidemic. (At Rokuharamitu-ji, the tea is written as “oubukucha” because it was served by Emperor Murakami, and tea is made from young water drawn on
New-Year’s-day and given together with a talisman to ward off bad luck).


“We cannot let this be an unscientific legend.”

This was stated by writer Shuzo Takagi. In “Visiting the Rokuharamituji-Temple” (“New edition, old temple pilgrimage Kyoto 5 Rokuharamituji”, Tankosha, 2007), Mr. Takagi said.

It was a time when people did not know that plague was caused by bacteria and believed it was solely the result of the possession of a vengeful sprit. It is conceivable that the belief in Kannon, that if one chanted the name of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara Boddhisattva with one’s whole heart, one would instantly feel its sound and transform freely into the 33 bodies (of various gods and people) and save sentient beings with unfathomable power and flexibility, became a force against the power to be possessed by grudge spirits and tea, pickled plums, myoga, and other sterilizing foods and beverages had preventive medical effects.

However, it could not be done without deep trust and respect for Kuya Shonin’s bodhisattva practices, from the emperor down to the common people.

Incidentally, Kannon Bodhisattva is a sidekick of Amitabha Buddha, and is said to be the bodhisattva who connects the salvation in the next life by Amitabha Buddha and the suffering in the present life.

Thus, Kuya Shonin developed his activities in Heian-kyo to save people from plague and disease through his faith in Kannon Bodhisattva and the imperial tea.








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