Yasaka Shrine’s deities Part 20
Posted date:2023-10-17Author:落ち武者(Surviving Soldier) Transrator:ポンタ(Ponta)
Category:Talk about Kyoto , Shinto Stories
How are you, everyone? If so, nothing is better than this. Whenever you feel down about something, please pray to Susanoo-no-mikoto and Kushi-inadahime, who are enshrined at Yasaka Shrine, to cheer you up. Well, let’s continue the story.
Wondering why they were crying, Susanoo-sama, asked and said. “Who are you and why are you crying like this?”
Then they answered. I am the son of Oyamatumi, the god of the mountains, and the god of the country. My name is Ashinaduchi and my wife’s name is Tenaduchi. This girl is actually my child. My daughter’s name is Kushi-inadahime.
And he spoke. “In the past, we originally had eight children including sons and daughters.”
However, this Yamata-no-orochi of Koshi, Shuten doji in Mt. Oe in Kyoto, who is said to be a child that Yamata-no-orochi fled to Mt. Ibuki in Shiga Prefecture and gave birth to, came along every year without fail and swallow and ate them.
He continued. Now is the time that Yamata-no-orochi is coming here. Now my daughter, who is not yet old enough, is about to be swallowed up. There is no way, no method to avoid it. Therefore, I am sad, brokenhearted, and weeping.
(Also, one theory says that God was there and his name was Ashinadutenadu whose wife’s name was Inadano-Miyanushi-Susayatutumimi. This god, Inadano-Mayanushi-Susayatutumi-sama, was actually under pregnancy.)
(One theory is that both the husband and wife were so sad and sorrowful that they immediately said to Susanoo-sama. I gave birth to many children, but every time I gave birth to a child, there would be Yamata-no-orochi that would immediately come and swallow and eat them. Not a single child couldn’t be saved.)
(One theory continues; As Ashinadutenadu tells, “Now we are about to give birth to a child. Probably it would be swallowed and eaten. Therefore, we are heartbroken and deploring.” ※In this theory, Kushi-inadahime was not receive life yet. Yamata-no-orochi is very dreadful. However, there are believers who make belief earnestly it that is enshrined in Mt. Ibuki in Shiga Prefecture as Ibuki Dai-Myojin.)
(To be continued.)

落ち武者(Surviving Soldier)
Nice to meet you, my name is Surviving Soldier. My star sign is Cancer and my blood type is O. My hobbies are visiting shrines and reading books. I have a loud voice, which is easy to understand at best, but at worst, I am noisy, so I would like to be careful. I am looking forward to working with you.