

As I was thinking on a holiday, I went to buy rice cakes at Demachi Futaba in Kyoyo Demachi.

Demachi Futaba is very famous for bean rice cake, but since now is fall, I decided to eat chestnut rice cake that I, Kurama Tengu’s favorite. People are keeping on restricting the parking bikes and bicycles very much near Demachi recently, so I went to the shop using a bus.

View from Aoi-bashi Bridge

View from Aoi bridge

This picture is the view from Kamogawa Aoi bridge on the way there.
It will gradually welcome the best time to see as autumn leaves begin to color.

The line in front of the store

The state of procession in front of the shop.

When I arrived the shop, the state was as described in the picture. The customers were
lining up in a zig-zag, when I counted the approximate number of people, it was about 50. That’s horrible as weekdays. I had a impression that the customers are mainly old men and women. I speculate that more young people come here on weekends,

Chestnut rice cake, chestnut rice cake, oh, it is 230 yen each!
It looked delicious although it was a little pricy… I was prepared here, I bought chestnut rice cakes for three of my family and went home.

Packaging view

The state of packaging

3 chestnut cakes in a container

I bought three pieces of chestnut rice cake.

After I got home, I ate it immediately with green tea. (^▽^)

Chestnut cake and green tea

Chestnut rice cake and green tea

When I ate it, I found two pieces of chestnut inside it. Whole one or one and half chestnut in it. I was satisfied with the size. It had high quality worth the price as I had expected. Also, the taste of chestnut had no sweetness pickled in sugar, I felt the pure taste like sweet potato original for Tanba chestnuts. By the way, Tanba chestnuts are a kind of Kyoto brand, and even local people can eat them rarely.

Bean paste is red bean paste. It is finished with elegant sweetness. If asked, I, Kurama Tengu prefer tsubu an, but I can eat this red bean paste.

As it is Mochiya’s rice cake, there is no disappointment. It had the taste of freshly made mochi.

We ate them all. My family of three eat them deliciously.
It was a little of luxury, it is not a bad thing if we sometimes eat them, isn’t it?(^_^;)





京都三条会商店街北 薬膳&カフェ 雅(みやび) サイト制作・運営 一般社団法人シシン

