


Shishin Incorporated pays the utmost attention to the protection of personal information related to customer privacy. Shishin Incorporated may ask you to provide personal information at your own discretion, but such information will be kept to the minimum necessary and we will respect your decision to provide other information.

1.Purpose of collection and use of personal information

When acquiring personal information, including that of clients and consultants, Shishin Incorporated will clearly state the purpose of use, and will use appropriate and fair means.

[Purpose of Use] Personal information will be acquired for the following business operations and purposes.

  • To manage and collect information for the purpose of case processing and other business operations, and to send and communicate documents, etc.
  • To respond to inquiries and consultations.

2.Secure management and storage of personal information

Shishin Incorporated will process the personal information you provide accurately and implement appropriate protection and security measures to ensure the safety of the personal information held by Shishin Incorporated and to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, or leakage of personal information.

3.Provision of Personal Information

In principle, Shishin will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer, except in the following cases.

  • When required by law.
  • When necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of a person.
  • When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by laws and regulations.
  • When submitting documents to public offices in connection with the performance of business.

4.Disclosure, Suspension of Use, and Deletion of Personal Information

If the person who is the subject of personal information requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of his/her own personal information, we will promptly respond to the request after confirming the identity of the person in question by appropriate means, except in cases where refusal is permitted by law or in the course of business.

5.Revision of Privacy Policy

Shishin Incorporated may change its privacy policy without prior notice in response to changes in social conditions, technological advances, or other environmental changes.


Copyrights to the content (text, photographs, images, data, images, graphics, etc.) and the arrangement, editing, and structure of the content belong to Shishin Incorporated, and unauthorized use (including reproduction, transmission, broadcasting, publication, distribution, posting, transfer, lending, translation, adaptation, licensing, and reuse of all or part of the website), reproduction, alteration, modification, or commercial use is prohibited.


Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in Shishin Incorporated’s website, Shishin Incorporated shall not be liable for any damages (indirect, special, consequential, or incidental) resulting from the use of the information on the Sisin Incorporated website due to changes in the law or for any other cause. Sisin Incorporated shall not be liable for any indirect, special, consequential or incidental damages. Please use the information at your own risk.







京都三条会商店街北 薬膳&カフェ 雅(みやび) サイト制作・運営 一般社団法人シシン